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外観検査ソリューション "MANUFACIA(マニュファシア)" のイメージ画像

Promoting digital transformation of production lines

AI is

Make it yourself

To the era


Easily Deploy Your Own AI at Scale

Edge implementation and operation are easy!
AI-generated tools to solve manufacturing challenges


Manage costs and optimize production infrastructure with MANUFACIA’s Anomaly Detection & Predictive Maintenance capabilities.

Preliminary verification

AI Generation Service After receiving your data, we will generate the AI using MANUFACIA within about one week and report the results to you.

Please use this as a place to consider implementation.

Easy to use

Customize pre-trained AI models with your own data in 6 steps.

To edge devices


Rapid deployment on embedded devices such as industrial PCs and IoT gateways.

High reliability

Pre-trained templates ensure the highest quality standards.

Learning, testing, analysis, and implementation

MANUFACIA's easy-to-understand UI and data visualization capabilities make data quality control quick and easy.


You can see an image of MANUFACIA in operation.

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